Source code for sawmill.configurator.classic

# :coding: utf-8
# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 Martin Pengelly-Phillips
# :license: See LICENSE.txt.

import sys
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime

import sawmill
from import Stream
from sawmill.filterer.level import Level
from sawmill.formatter.field import Field
import sawmill.compatibility

[docs]def configure( level='info', filepath=None, redirect_standard_logging=True, *args, **kw ): '''Configure the logging system in a classic manner. *level* will determine the minimum level to display on stderr. *filepath* can be used to set where the log file should be stored. It defaults to a temporary file named after the current date and time. If *redirect_standard_logging* is True then also redirect all standard library logging to Sawmill using :func:`sawmill.compatibility.redirect_standard_library_logging`. ''' stderr_handler = Stream( sys.stderr, filterer=Level(min=level, max=None), formatter=Field(keys=['level', 'name', 'message', 'traceback'], template='{value}') ) sawmill.root.handlers['stderr'] = stderr_handler if filepath is None: prefix ='sawmill-%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S-') _, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=prefix, suffix='.log') file_descriptor = open(filepath, 'a') file_handler = Stream( file_descriptor, filterer=Level(min=None, max=None), formatter=Field(keys=['timestamp', 'level', 'name', 'message', 'traceback']) ) sawmill.root.handlers['file'] = file_handler if redirect_standard_logging: sawmill.compatibility.redirect_standard_library_logging()