Source code for sawmill.formatter.field

# :coding: utf-8
# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 Martin Pengelly-Phillips
# :license: See LICENSE.txt.

from .base import Formatter

[docs]class Field(Formatter): '''Format :py:class:`logs<sawmill.log.Log>` according to item list.''' SKIP, ERROR = ('__SKIP__', '__ERROR__') REMAINING = '*'
[docs] def __init__(self, keys, missing_key=SKIP, template='{key}={value}', item_separator=':'): '''Initialise formatter with *keys* to look for in specific order. *keys* may contain :py:attr:`REMAINING` at any point to include all remaining unspecified keys in alphabetical order. *missing_key* determines how to handle a missing key when formatting a log. The default :py:attr:`SKIP` will skip the key and not include it in the resulting output. :py:attr:`ERROR` will cause a KeyError to be raised. Any other value will be used as the substitute string for the missing value. *template* is used to format the key and value of each field and *item_separator* will separate each item. ''' super(Field, self).__init__() self.keys = keys self.missing_key = missing_key self.template = template self.item_separator = item_separator
[docs] def format(self, logs): '''Return formatted data representing *logs*.''' data = [] for log in logs: field_data = [] # Expand keys. keys = self.keys[:] remaining = sorted(set(log.keys()) - set(keys)) expanded = [] for key in keys: if key == self.REMAINING: expanded.extend(remaining) else: expanded.append(key) # Format string. for key in expanded: if not key in log: if self.missing_key == self.ERROR: raise KeyError(key) elif self.missing_key == self.SKIP: continue else: value = self.missing_key else: value = log[key] entry = self.template.format(key=key, value=value) if entry: field_data.append(entry) data.append('{0}\n'.format(self.item_separator.join(field_data))) return data